Monday, 28 May 2012

How to Find Which Tab is Making a Noise in Google Chrome and Mute It

When you have lots and lots of tabs open, it’s extremely annoying to suddenly hear a background tab playing some loud noise or music, and then you have to hunt down the right tab to close. Here’s a great Chrome extension that gives you better control.
Head over to the Chrome Web Store and grab a copy of the MuteTab extension.
Confirm your installation by clicking on the install button.
Once the extension is installed it will create a small icon alongside your existing extensions.
When you click on the icon you have some pretty nice options, you can choose to mute all the tabs.
You could choose to Mute the current tab if you know some noise is on the way
If there is noise coming from a tab in the background and you need to focus on the current tab you can mute all the tab except the on that you are currently on
Alternatively you could just mute a specific tab that you think could be the culprit

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