Saturday, 26 May 2012

Play Thousands of Online Radio Stations with Shoutcast in VLC

Are you looking for more variety from your radio stations? Today we’ll take a look at how to easily stream thousands of radio stations to your desktop with VLC media player.
Editor Note: At the time this article was published, Shoutcast worked with VLC. However, as of now it doesn’t seem to work. We are looking into the issue and will update you when we have confirmation on this.
Update: According to the VLC forums… it looks as if Shoutcast support has been discontinued.
Getting Started
Select Media from the menu, go to Services Discovery, and click Shoutcast radio listings.
Next, select View from the menu and click Playlist.

Or, click on the Show Playlist button

In the Playlist window, click on Shoutcast radio listings in the left pane.

You should then see a very long list of Titles displayed on the right. Scroll though the list to find a music genre or topic that interests you. Double-click to expand the list of station options.

Select one of the channel listings from the list and double click to begin playing.
Looking for a specific station? Type a search term into the search filter box to see if it is available.
That’s it. Sit back and enjoy listening to your favorite Internet radio programming.

If you are a music or talk radio fan, you aren’t likely to run out of listening options in VLC.
Want to find some more uses for VLC? Check out our articles on how to copy a DVD, convert video files to MP3, and how to set a video as your desktop wallpaper.
Download VLC

1 comment:

  1. About two months ago, my best friend introduced me to Palm Beach broadcasting’s 97.9 WRMF and that has been my # 1 radio station ever since. I’m always locked on 97.9 WRMF for the best variety of 80’s, 90’s and today’s music. Check them out
